
What is the ETAS System?

  • Friday, 27 September 2024
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What is the ETAS System?

The eots system is an electro-optical tracker used by jet fighters to detect and then locate targets in aerial combat.eots system It uses charge-coupled device (CCD) TV cameras, laser rangefinders and laser designators to do its work. EOTS is more precise than RF-based tracking systems, which have a limited range in terms of what they can see, due to the laws of physics. In addition, EOTS can see through things like RF-jammers and stealth technology.

The basic system consists of an outer prismatic aperture shaped for stealth, which then shoots infrared light up some mirrors / lenses / filters into a digital sensor that looks much like a regular digital camera but sees in the thermal mid-wave infrared (MWIR) spectrum instead of visible light (VL).eots system The VL information is sent to a laser rangefinder, and the MWIR info is sent to a laser designation system, where it is used to calculate the distance to a target. The designators then generate a laser beam that hits the target, and its thermal signature is picked up by the MWIR sensor and displayed to the pilot on the aircraft's display panel.

There is also a next-gen version of the EOTS called Advanced EOTS that Lockheed has been marketing for the F-35.eots system If selected this would add a short-wave infrared and visual-spectrum sensor to the mix, which can see more detail about the shape of a target and its heat signatures. This could help with air-to-air and air-to-ground targeting.

Another feature that sets EOTS apart from regular targeting pods is its ability to search and track targets autonomously, without the need for the aircraft to have radar located them first.eots system This capability isn't always available on other pods and can be expensive to integrate into a fighter, but it means that every F-35 can function as a strike fighter with the same capabilities as any other fighter in its task force.

Whether you need to test and evaluate new control strategies, optimize alarm management or emulate control actions, ETAP SIL high-fidelity simulation provides the tools you need for agile utilization over your entire plant lifecycle.eots system Whether you are a system designer, operator, or quality engineer, the power of ETAP is yours to use as often and as broadly as you need.

Learn more about ETAP software and how it can be utilized by visiting our website today! We offer both hosted and client-server options, as well as a full range of training options, all of which are customizable to suit your needs. For more information, contact us today! Our experts are standing by to assist you in finding the perfect solution for your operational needs. We look forward to working with you!

Tags:advanced eots | electro-optical targeting system | eo ir system

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