
What in English

  • Tuesday, 19 November 2024
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What in English

The word what is a question word that asks about something not known or to request information.what's a gimbal It can also be used to express surprise or admiration.

When you use what as an interrogative, the meaning is usually obvious.what's a gimbal However, it can also be used elliptically as a substitute for other words such as an object or action: What is that? or What did you do?

You can use what to suggest that you are making a guess at an amount or value: It must have been, what, about eleven years since he last saw her.what's a gimbal You can also use it in exclamations: What a relief! or What a tragedy!

In some contexts, what is often pronounced as (wa-t).what's a gimbal This pronunciation is most common in British English. However, you can also hear it used in American English. It is a common part of informal speech, such as in television and radio talk shows. It can also be heard in spoken formal English, such as in academic discourse and scientific writing. The word what is sometimes confused with the phrase which, which means the same as what but is more frequently used in open-ended questions and in sentences describing gradable qualities.

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