
The EO Camera - Maritime Security and Surveillance

  • Sunday, 28 April 2024
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The EO Camera - Maritime Security and Surveillance

The eo camera uses advanced EO/IR technology to provide mariners with an accurate and real-time awareness of their surroundings.eo camera eo camera With this technology, maritime security officers can detect and identify drones at a range of up to 2.5km depending on weather conditions.

A skunk work project, it was designed and built by Eastman Kodak Company under a U.eo camera S.eo camera Government contract in 1987 and 1988. The pixelated CCD was an experimental sensor that captured the radiation emitted or reflected by objects in the visible and infrared wavelengths. This allowed the sensor to see through obscurants such as smoke, fog and haze.

The result was a powerful imaging system that could be mounted on military vehicles or carried by hand.eo camera Today, EO/IR systems are widely used in a variety of applications including surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition and environmental monitoring. Military personnel are required to stay aware of potential threats at all times, and EO/IR sensor systems allow them to do so even in the dark or during adverse weather.

While radar can detect the range, bearing and altitude of something it detects, it cannot ‘see’ and identify it as a boat or ship.eo camera EO sensors can fill in this gap and allow military personnel to digitally zoom into targets and look for flags, numbers and colors as well as any other distinguishing features.

These EO/IR sensor systems are commonly mounted on aerial vehicles (UAVs), ships or ground-based platforms.eo camera They are also integrated into maritime radar and navigational systems. The data collected by these sensors is sent to servers which process and analyze it, and military personnel are informed of enemy activity. Trenton Systems’ high-performance computing solutions enable EO/IR systems to perform better, improving situational awareness and shortening response times.

The eo camera offers a full articulating three-inch touchscreen for adjusting settings, selecting focus points and reviewing images.eo camera Its high-resolution 1.84 million pixel screen is bright enough to be seen in most lighting conditions, and its static touch control allows for fingertip control. This makes the camera a powerful tool for content creators who want to produce professional-grade video without a dedicated camera person on set.

Technical articles, Software Downloads and Product Manuals can be found in the Resource Library.eo camera If you have questions about a particular product, please contact us.

A powerful EO/IR payload with continuous zoom and night and day observation and surveillance capabilities.eo camera The MicroCoMPASS is a single LRU combining four EO elements: an ultra-lightweight, modular, and thermal imaging camera, a daytime high resolution camera, a laser pointer/target illuminator and an eyesafe laser range finder.

The size and nature of the target: Larger objects can be detected at a greater distance than smaller ones.eo camera The thermal contrast of the target: A target with a high temperature difference to its surrounding environment can be detected at a longer distance than one with little or no contrast. The environmental conditions: Fog, haze and rain reduce the line of sight, while higher altitudes can increase it.

Tags:eo ir system | eo sensor | gimbal camera

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