
Electro-Optical Systems

  • Thursday, 18 April 2024
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Electro-Optical Systems

The electro optical (EO) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum includes visible light and infrared radiation.electro optical systems EO systems combine electronics and optics to generate, modulate, detect or measure the emission, reflection or transmission of optical radiation. Almost all IR and visible laser systems are EO, as are most unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sensors. EO/IR systems also include thermal imaging and night-vision, or image intensification, sensors.

The science and technology of EO is referred to as optoelectronics.electro optical systems The term is often used interchangeably with photonics, which is a broader description that includes all devices in which light causes electric effects.

Optical sensors are used in many industries including oil and gas for pipeline monitoring, wind turbine blade monitoring, offshore platform monitoring and power line monitoring.electro optical systems They are also used in aerospace and transportation for aircraft, wing and fuel tank monitoring as well as bridge, airport landing strip and train track inspections. Optical sensing is useful in the medical industry for monitoring blood flow, pressure and temperature.

Electro-optical systems can be categorized by the type of optical axis they use: linear, curved, or spherical.electro optical systems The type of axis depends on the size and shape of the system as well as its focusing capabilities. Linear systems are ideal for short-range applications where the system is focused close to the object. Curved axes, on the other hand, are most commonly used for longer-range applications where the focus is further away from the object. Spherical axes can be used in both applications.

Another key consideration when designing an EO system is the index of refraction and coefficient of thermal expansion.electro optical systems The index of refraction refers to how the rays of light bend when passing through a medium. This can change if the sensor is operating in an unstable environment. The coefficient of thermal expansion relates to how much a material expands or contracts when its temperature changes. The lower the index gradient and CTE, the better the performance of an EO system.

One of the biggest improvements in today's EO sensors is the pixel pitch. This enables more situational awareness information to be pulled out of digital images, according to John Baylouny, chief operating officer at Leonardo DRS in Arlington, Va.

Other advances in EO sensors include higher resolution, enhanced sensitivity and greater field of view. They are also being used to provide more real-time situational awareness information to warfighters. This can be attributed to new enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. This enables the sensor to identify conditions that are different than normal and can then alert the operator. This can make a major difference for operators, especially in the battlefield where the ability to detect threats is critical. This can prevent wasting time and resources on false alarms and enable them to target their efforts more effectively. This is particularly important in the battle against ISIS, where the ability to spot a tank or SAM site can be crucial in getting soldiers into position to destroy them.

Tags:electro optic infrared

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