
Electro-Optical Infrared (EO/IR) Systems

  • Wednesday, 05 June 2024
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Electro-Optical Infrared (EO/IR) Systems

Electro-optical infrared (EO/IR) systems help military forces gain situational awareness and take action.eo ir system These systems are found on land, in the air, at sea, and in space.eo ir system They play a critical role in protecting against threats to the nation. Rapid developments in technology and evolving threat landscapes require EO/IR systems to evolve quickly. At the same time, system size, weight and power (SWaP) constraints on military platforms remain challenging.

EO/IR systems use passive photons—infrared and visible radiation—to detect, track and identify targets.eo ir system These photons must travel through a hostile medium, the atmosphere, which can refract or absorb them.eo ir system Moreover, the target’s own emission of infrared energy can also influence detection and tracking performance.

These photons are collected by an array of detector elements, a focal plane or focal array.eo ir system The resulting image is displayed on a display screen.eo ir system Performance of an EO/IR sensor depends upon several factors, including optics, the type of detector and the sensor’s ability to process signals from extended or point targets.

Point targets are those that are small enough, compared to the resolution capabilities of the sensor, to appear as a single point.eo ir system Non-imaging EO/IR systems typically focus on detecting point targets, rather than presenting them as an image, which is what imaging EO/IR systems do.eo ir system Imaging EO/IR systems may be classified as scanning or staring sensors, based on the method by which the sensor scans the scene and records its results. Scanning sensors use a limited number of detectors that scan across the scene, while staring sensors use large numbers of detectors in rectangular arrays.

A new trend in EO/IR system design is to employ III-V superlattices, such as AlGaAs/GaAs and GaAs/Si, that allow the thickness of individual layers to be varied, altering the spectral response and therefore resolution.eo ir system This can be a very effective means to increase the spatial resolution of a system without physically altering the optics or focal plane.eo ir system

The sensitivity of an EO/IR sensor is defined by the ratio between the pixel noise level and the signal to background level.eo ir system This is a function of the type of detector and its operating conditions, and can be affected by temperature and atmospheric conditions.eo ir system

As military and aerospace applications demand high-performance EO/IR systems, designers are challenged to achieve the required resolution and performance in harsh environmental conditions with very tight system dimensions.eo ir system To achieve these requirements, motion solutions are required to minimize size, weight, power and response time, while maximizing rate and position accuracy.eo ir system To achieve these motion solutions, direct drive brush DC torque motors are often used in EO/IR applications. This video series examines the technologies, challenges and options for selecting and optimizing these motors for EO/IR applications.

Tags:electro optical system | eo ir camera

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