
A Three-Axis UAV Electro Optical Tracking System

  • Tuesday, 03 September 2024
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A Three-Axis UAV Electro Optical Tracking System

A three-axis uav electro optical tracking is a system that uses gyroscopes and motors to stabilize cameras or sensors on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).three-axis uav electro optical tracking It compensates for movements and vibrations, and maintains a steady focus on specific targets or areas as the UAV moves. This provides high stability and accuracy in capturing images or data, which is critical for applications such as surveillance, cinematography, and environmental monitoring.

During the operation of the drone, a KCF tracker is used to detect and localize the target of interest from the video images obtained by the camera mounted on the gimbal system. The output of the KCF tracker is fed into a proportional-derivative controller that aligns the optical axis in both azimuth and elevation with the LOS joining the camera and the target. The alignment is performed using a geometric model of the system and a nonlinear gimbal motion model.

The angular geometry of the gimbaled camera is shown in Figure 6. The th P angle represents the pitch angle of the gimbal frame, and d and e represent the LOS and boresight error angles, respectively. To obtain the gimbal control law, a robust linear and nonlinear model of the three-axis gimbal is established in Sections 2 and 3.

An integrated tracking system is designed to provide full autonomy for the UAV during target tracking, which ensures that the platform can be positioned at any location within its working range. The system can also be configured to support day and night observation modes, as well as a reserved laser ranging function. The system can also operate in harsh environments and achieve stable and accurate tracking, even when following a pedestrian moving at 0.9-2 m/s. In this test, the system was able to achieve an accuracy of +-9.34 pixels in azimuth and +-5.07 pixels in elevation, which is significantly better than the accuracy of most commercial quadrotors.

The system can also be easily adapted to a variety of application scenarios, as the design of the tracking algorithm is independent of the underlying gimbal dynamics. It can be easily scaled for different sizes and speeds of the UAV, and it can work in a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions. Furthermore, the system is lightweight and requires minimal power consumption, making it suitable for use with small and medium-size UAVs. This makes it an ideal choice for many military and civilian missions. It can be deployed quickly and efficiently for a number of mission objectives, including search and rescue, surveillance, reconnaissance, and mapping. In addition, it can be used in a wide range of environments to capture high-quality imagery and data. This information can then be used for intelligence gathering, decision-making, and operational support. As a result, the UAV can deliver superior results to its operator. This is especially important in dangerous situations, such as when responding to an emergency call. To find out more, read our article on three-axis uav electro optic tracking.

Tags:uav payload

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